
Tea Lover's Plant Seed Set with Seven Herbal Varieties for Herbalist's Garden, Witch's Garden

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Growing your own organic herbs for delightful teas and infusions has never been easier with our specially curated, certified organic, Tea Lover's Garden Seed Collection. This collection comes complete with seeds for Kivumbasi Lime Basil, Greek Mountain Tea, German Chamomile, Lemon Balm, Marshmallow, Nettles, and Temperate Tulsi.

You will receive one of the following 7 certified organic seed packets:

Holy Basil/Temperate Tulsi: 50 seeds
German Chamomile: 500 seeds
Greek Mountain Tea: 50 seeds
Kivumbasi Lime Basil: 50 seeds
Lemon Balm: 100 seeds
Marshmallow: 100 seeds
Stinging Nettles: 200 seeds

Please see the seed descriptions below for more information. All information is provided for educational purposes with no guarantee of results; please use all herbal products with care.

About the certified organic seeds:

--- Holy Basil/ Temperate Tulsi (ocimum africanum) ---

Temperate Tulsi is also called holy basil, lemon basil, and hoary basil. This plant is an annual and is native from East Africa to India. It is considered a sacred plant in India and is often grown directly outside to protect the home.

Spiritual and Magickal Usage:
- Plant tulsi near the front of your home for added protection and to repel unwanted energies.
- Add the leaves of this herb to your tea at work to attract wealth and luck to your business.
- Create an infusion or hydrosol with the leaves and flowers and use it as a ritual or room mist to attract love to your life.

Herbal Uses:
- Use this herb in soups, stews, and stir-fries to infuse your dishes with the protective properties of tulsi.
- An infusion is known to help with stomach problems such as loss of appetite, gas, diarrhea, and constipation.
- Add to a fever-reducing infusion to increase effectiveness.
- Use in poultices for anti-inflammatory properties of tulsi.

This plant prefers full sun to partial shade and is frost-hardy. Prepare a flat of potting soil or a fine seedbed in the springtime. Scatter the seeds on the surface and then press down in and keep them evenly moist and warm. Germination is rapid—transplant or thin to 1 foot apart once seedlings are large enough.

Size: One packet of 50 organic Holy Basil/ Temperate Tulsi (ocimum africanum) seeds.

--- German Chamomile (matricaria recutita) ---

German chamomile is an annual or overwintering annual native to Europe. This plant is a self-seeding annual; as such, the hardiness zone guides do not apply. German chamomile is known for an aromatic and relaxing tea.

Spiritual and Magickal Usage:
- Add this flower to dream pillows to help facilitate relaxing dreams and sleep.
- Wear chamomile in your hair to attract a lover.
- Add the flowers and leaves to herbal "mojo" bags to call good fortune your way.

Herbal Uses:
- A tea made from the flowers is excellent for relaxation and easing anxiety.
- When used in decoctions, it is said to aid an upset stomach.

The plant prefers full sun and cool garden soils for germination. Prepare a fine seedbed, mix the fine seed with sand, sprinkle on the surface, and press in hard. Sow in early spring for flowers by early summer. It should be unnecessary to thin the plants as they grow well close together.

Size: One packet of 500 organic German Chamomile (metricaria recutita) seeds.

--- Greek Mountain Tea (sideritis syriaca) ---

Greek mountain tea, also called ironwort, is a woody perennial that is hardy in zones 7 to 10. This plan is native to the Mediterranean Sea and is used, most commonly, to create herbal tea infusions from the leaves, flowers, and stems.

Spiritual and Magickal Usage:
- Add the leaves and flowers of this plant to a bath tea to ease anxiety and lift your mood.
- Greek mountain tea added to incense will help clear stress and tension from your space, calling in calming energy.
- Use this herb in spells for the easing of depression and to improve your mood.

Herbal Uses:
- To make a tonic tea, break off 6-8 pieces of the stalks (including flowers about 2 inches long) into a cup and a half of boiling water for 5-10 minutes, steep for no longer than ten minutes. This tonic can be used to treat colds, respiratory issues, digestive problems, and anxiety.
- A tea from this plant is traditionally used as an anti-inflammatory.

This plant prefers full sun and fast-draining soil found in a raised or rocky bed. In the spring or anytime, if your soils are warm, scarify the seeds on medium grit sandpaper. Once scarred, sow in pots or flats by barely covering the seeds, tamp them down and keep them warm, evenly moist, and in the light until germination. Germination generally occurs within ten days. Separate seedlings into gallon pots and grow to sufficient size for transplanting to the garden or landscape, spacing each plant 18 inches apart.

All information is provided for educational purposes with no guarantee of results; please use all herbal products with care.

One packet of 20 organic Greek Mountain Tea (Sideritis syriaca) seeds. 

--- Kivumbasi Lime Basil (ocimum africanum) ---

Kivumbasi Lime Basil is an annual native to the island of Unguja in Zanzibar. This plant grows to one foot with white flowers and a distinctly citrus fragrance, lending this plant its name.
Spiritual and Magickal Usage:
- Add to tea before sitting down for a divination session to increase your awareness.
- Use in a bath before ritual for purification and protection.
- Use in rituals for fertility.
Herbal Uses:
- As with most basil cultivars, this one is well suited for seasoning food and pairs well with poultries, fish, shellfish, stone fruits, berries, or frozen desserts.
- Use in a poultice for aiding in healing wounds.
- Teas made with lime basil are said to help with digestive upsets.
This plant prefers full sun and garden soil. It is a regular basil culture, sow in the garden in a fine seedbed or start in pots. Scatter the seeds on the surface and then press down in and keep them evenly moist and warm. This will tend to be fast to flower, keep it nipped back, and it is 60 days to harvest.

Size: One packet of 50 organic Kivumbasi Lime Basil (ocimum africanum) seeds.

--- Lemon Balm (melissa officinalis) ---

Lemon balm is an evergreen herbaceous perennial hardy in zones 4-8 and is considered a classic herb for tea. This plant is known to help treat anxiety and insomnia while spiritually used in dream pillows, love magick, and improving emotional balance.

Spiritual and Magickal Usage:
- Lemon balm, when added to incense, is excellent for improving emotional balance.
- Tea with lemon balm is said to be calming, excellent for drinking before meditation or ritual to center yourself.
- Steep lemon balm in wine and share it with your partner to deepen your bond.
- Sprinkle the herb around a candle when working love magick to increase attraction.
- Add lemon balm to a dream pillow for soothing dreams.

Herbal Uses:
- Lemon balm tea can relieve the cramping of painful menstruation.
- A tea of lemon balm is excellent to relieve colic and bloating as well as IBS symptoms.
- Topically this herb can be used to draw boils to a head, encouraging them to burst and then heal quickly. 
- Apply lemon balm to burns and blisters to relieve irritation and facilitate healing

This plant prefers partial to full sun and moist yet well-drained soil. These seeds are light-dependent for germination, lightly tamp into the soil and keep it moist. Germination is 7-14 days at 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit. For best results, start these seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the final frost. 

Size: One packet of 100 organic Lemon Balm (melissa officinialis) seeds.

--- Marshmallow (althaea officinalis) ---

Marshmallow is a herbaceous perennial native to Europe, flowering to four feet tall. This plant is hardy in zones three to seven and is wonderfully easy to grow.

Spiritual and Magickal Usage:
- Use marshmallow in spells for fertility and attraction.
- Add to incense for cleansing your sacred space.
- Add marshmallow root to a jar with a dish of water on your altar is said to call helpful spirits to your aid.
- Use marshmallow flowers to honor your ancestors and the dead.

Herbal Uses:
- Marshmallow is used in treatment for all manner of lung complaints such as bronchitis, the cold, cough, sore throat, and sinusitis.
- An infusion of marshmallow may help with urinary tract infection relieving the discomfort and flushing bacteria.
- Tea of marshmallow root and yarrow leaves is said to ease amenorrhea.
- Warm marshmallow root tea may help ease indigestion, heartburn, and other stomach upsets.

Marshmallow prefers full sun to part shade with moist garden soil with regular watering. Sow in the spring by scarifying the seeds on medium grit sandpaper. Strew them on the surface, barely covering them with soil, and tamp down securely. Keep them evenly moist and warm until germination. Work seedlings up in pots or sow directly in the garden. Thin or transplant seedlings to two feet apart. 

Size: One packet of 100 organic Marshmallow (althaea officinalis) seeds.

---Stinging Nettles (urtica dioica)---

Stinging nettles is a herbaceous perennial which is hardy in zones 4-9. This plant has a long history of usage in treating painful muscles and joints, eczema, arthritis, driving away negativity, protection, and breaking curses.

Spiritual and Magickal Usage:
- A broom of nettle can be used to sweep out negative energy.
- Add nettles to a poppet to reverse a curse or spell cast upon you.
- Dried leaves, when placed in shoes, will keep evil from leading you to dangerous places.
- Consecrate an athame with an infusion of nettle.

Herbal Uses:
- A tea with nettles can be used as a diuretic to increase urine to eliminate toxins from the body.
- Adding the leaves to a tonic should help with hay fever.
- When added to compresses or creams, it will help ease joint pain, sprains and strains, tendonitis, and insect bites.

This plant prefers full sun to partial shade with damp, fertile soil, and especially favors edges of streams or ponds. The seeds are small and light-dependent for germination. Tamp the seeds lightly into the soil, or cover with a 1/4 inch layer, sow these in spring if you are starting outdoors. Plant seedlings 8 inches apart.

All information is provided for educational purposes with no guarantee of results; please use all herbal products with care.

One packet of 200 organic Stinging Nettles (urtica dioica) seeds.

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